Speaking engagements for authors

In the creation of brand "you", writing and speaking go hand in hand.  If you are a successful speaker, adding a book that expands your topic will increase your revenues and visibility.  If you are an author, public speaking gives you the opportunity to tell your story in a different medium, and to sign and sell books directly to your fans. 

Unless you are an established author or have achieved a degree of recognition, speaking engagements usually start small:  the local libraries, local bookstores, community organizations, schools, colleges, and universities.  Most engagements are not paid - not even your travel expenses.  But if you persist - hone your speaking craft, obtain endorsements - your popularity will grow and you will qualify for paid appearances and bigger opportunities to sell books.  Each engagement, large or small, is a publicity opportunity:  announcements in the local paper, Facebook, and blog reports.  And, you can sign and sell books.

I handle all levels of speaking engagements from the local library and bookstore through major appearances.  We begin by looking through your contact list and figuring out who can make connections.   Sometimes it is easier for me to call with a request for help and information.  Then we talk to the local libraries and bookstores, asking about editorial calendars to see where your talk most easily fits.  Usually, they are programming six months to a year out, so don't look for instant gratification.  Persistence in asking for engagements and practicing your presentation will bring success.  

I do not work on a commission-only basis to obtain speaking engagements.